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HAPPY 4th 2014 - Putting it out to the Universe

Last week I had lunch with friends from Argentina. When I
asked why they came to the US, they explained that one morning they woke up and
all their money (in their bank account) was gone. Yep. You read that right.
They went on to explain that there had been 5 Presidents in a 2 week period. The country was in an insane
mess and the Presidents were taking the money of the people directly out of
their personal accounts. Then the Presidents left town. With the money.
I can’t even imagine.
So – while I am furious with the male-centric Supreme Court
(and send supportive thoughts to those 3 women on the Supreme Court) and while I resent
the waste of our resources by the US Congress, I am thankful that we have the
Constitution and a government structure that would never allow the sort of
devolution that happened in Argentina. I am grateful to all the men and women who fought to gain and protect the rights laid out in that rather amazing document that allowed this country to become America, home of the brave, land of the free.
Now we have an obligation to repay all of those who came before us: we need to get active and
demand action through the voter’s booth. We can get the Congress back on
track! Okay – so I’m being a little over optimistic. Maybe we can push harder and make a few changes and nudge the balance into a direction of compromise? Thoughtfulness? Problem solving discussion?

Happy 4th of July. Let’s all take greater care of
our country. Vote, write emails, make phone calls. Act within your rights as a
citizen. Let’s get better at being free.

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